Future Pixel
Future Pixel
Board directors
Future Pixel is a transparent conductive Metal Mesh sensor technology innovation enterprise, which has obtained the global additive metal mesh patent authorization from Future Tech in the United States, and innovatively developed a capacitive integrated touch handwriting sensor for the eReader market.

Future Pixel is a transparent conductive Metal Mesh sensor technology innovation enterprise, which has obtained the global additive metal mesh patent authorization from Future Tech in the United States, and innovatively developed a capacitive integrated touch handwriting sensor for the eReader market. We focus on transparent conductive sensor technology and follow the win-win market principle to help customers innovate their products and meet market demand. The company's main business: magnetic capacitance integrated touch handwriting sensor, medium and large size touch sensor, ePaper product solution integration, etc.

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No. 1, Nanshan Avenue, Ningzhun Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, Huanghuatang Town, Shitiao County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, and Building 4, Innovation City
