Make different ePaper ESL (First Publish: 2022)

Make different ePaper ESL (First Publish: 2022)






Hanshow's Product Innovation Story

"Hanshow Nebular Series Products - Redefining Electronic Shelf Labels"

As retail formats and consumer demands continue to evolve, electronic shelf labels in retail stores have become more than just simple identification tools. They now play a crucial and evolving role. Through in-depth research into the retail industry, the Hanshow team has observed a growing trend. Retailers are no longer content with just displaying basic product information; they're increasingly valuing the performance and quality of electronic shelf labels. This shift is particularly relevant in today's environment, where sustainable industry practices are gaining importance. Retailers are facing challenges like digitizing brick-and-mortar stores, integrating online and offline sales channels, and ensuring the ongoing growth of their brands. In this context, standard electronic shelf labels are falling short in meeting the expanded needs. This is precisely where the Hanshow Nebular Series products step in.



The Hanshow Nebular Series products incorporate a highly integrated System-in-Package (SIP) chip, where multiple functional modules are integrated into a single chip. This design effectively reduces power consumption while enhancing energy efficiency. As a result, the Nebular Series electronic shelf labels maintain excellent energy efficiency even under high-frequency usage. They boast a longer battery lifespan compared to standard electronic shelf labels available in the market. This longevity provides reliable energy support for the sustainable operation of retail stores, ensuring their continued functionality.


Meanwhile, many electronic shelf labels available in the market hold IP54 or IP65 ratings, offering a certain level of protection. However, when used in areas with prolonged exposure to mist or aquatic environments, the risk of product damage significantly escalates. To address the intricate environments of offline retail stores, the Hanshow Nebular Series products adhere to a consumer electronics-grade protection standard - an IP68 protection rating. Consequently, these products exhibit remarkable reliability in any scenario, including aquatic zones within supermarkets, even where fish tanks are present. Additionally, the Hanshow Nebular Series products boast a 3H screen hardness, ensuring resistance to wear and scratches. The integration of the body further elevates the protective capabilities of the product.


The exceptional performance of the Hanshow Nebular Series products is further highlighted by their outstanding performance in various temperature scenarios. Whether placed in a freezing cold cabinet at -25°C or subjected to a scorching 40°C environment, the Nebular Series products by Hanshow ensure flawless operation, guaranteeing continuous convenience and reliability for retail stores.

Hanshow Nebular Lux Solar Product - Another Milestone in Green Retail Technology

Hanshow's pioneering solar-powered electronic shelf label, Nebular Lux, made a significant debut in 2022, marking a momentous stride in the realm of green technological innovation. This cleaner, more diverse, and environmentally-friendly product not only offers global customers more choices but also aligns with the nation's "dual-carbon" development objectives. It's a leading example of how the digital retail industry is driving innovation in renewable clean energy technology.



The Hanshow Nebular Lux solar-powered electronic shelf label is equipped with solar panels, allowing for the automatic collection, storage, conversion, and utilization of renewable clean energy from natural or indoor light sources. The solar solution is particularly adept at enhancing energy collection and powering the label system in conditions of indoor natural light or low indoor lighting. The low-light harvesting technology enables the solar labels to capture indoor lighting sources and convert them into electrical energy stored in the built-in rechargeable battery of the label, supporting display and price-changing functions.

Addressing the environmental cost associated with traditional single-use lithium manganese batteries in electronic shelf labels, the Hanshow Nebular Lux product significantly reduces the volume of the rechargeable batteries used for storing light energy. The ability for repeated charge and discharge extends the lifespan of solar-powered labels, overcoming the limitations of updating frequency and single-use battery capacity. The battery efficiency of the Hanshow Nebular Lux product has been notably improved when compared to equivalent-volume disposable lithium manganese batteries.


The Hanshow Nebular Lux product employs low-light harvesting technology, coupled with an energy management solution developed specifically for solar-powered labels. The low-light harvesting technology enables the solar labels to capture and convert indoor dim artificial light sources into electrical energy, greatly enhancing energy utilization efficiency. The core energy collection device of the Hanshow Nebular Lux product gathers weak front-end light sources, converting them into electrical energy and supplying it to the electronic shelf label terminal. This process allows for the collection and reuse of light energy, helping businesses manage and reduce their overall carbon footprint. Additionally, the Hanshow energy management solution is equipped with an Emergency Power backup. When both light energy and stored power are insufficient, the system automatically switches to the emergency backup power source to ensure the normal functioning of the electronic shelf label.

The introduction of the Hanshow Nebular Lux product paves the way for sustainable development in the retail industry, promoting more efficient energy utilization and reducing paper waste and pollution associated with battery production and recycling. After integrating with a unified cloud management system based on a SaaS model, the energy-saving advantages of the solar solution are even more pronounced compared to other local devices. This solar solution not only enhances the social and environmental value of the product but also effectively reduces energy consumption and labor costs for retailers. Moreover, it contributes to reallocating valuable human resources to higher-value tasks like customer service, optimizing their allocation.


Hanshow Nebular 130 Product - "Compact Body" Conceals "High Performance"


After extensive research, the Hanshow team discovered that electronic shelf labels currently available in both domestic and international markets predominantly feature square designs, catering to a wide range of retail formats. However, there is considerable room for improvement in traditional square shelf labels to meet the diverse demands of all retail formats, such as Germany's DIY home goods sector.

This type of retail establishment employs hook-type shelves, often using adhesive labels placed on movable hooks, making it convenient for customers to access products. Simultaneously, these stores carry a substantial quantity of products and have a large floor area. Managing paper-based labels for updating product information within the store and synchronizing sales both online and offline presents a significant challenge. While electronic shelf labels can assist retailers in expanding omnichannel operations and enhancing store operational efficiency, the traditional square design doesn't suit the shelving in such stores. As a result, Hanshow has departed from the conventional square label design and developed an entirely new electronic shelf label product, the Hanshow Nebular 130, specifically tailored for retail stores in sectors like home goods and fashion apparel.



The Hanshow Nebular 130 product features an ultra-thin curved design with a thickness of just 5.95 millimeters. This design allows the electronic shelf label to be easily installed on hook shelves in sectors like home goods, ensuring that customers and store staff can select or restock products without needing to remove the label. The Hanshow Nebular 130 product employs an anti-glare design without lenses, ensuring a high-quality display effect free from surface reflections from any angle. It retains the LED flashing feature consistent with Hanshow's electronic shelf labels, aiding retailers in achieving inventory management, stock shortage alerts, and rapid picking and restocking objectives.



Upon its release, the Hanshow Nebular 130 product not only garnered industry attention but also secured prestigious international design awards - the 2023 German Red Dot Award and the German iF Award. These accolades further affirm the design philosophy and practicality of the Hanshow Nebular 130 product. All of these honors are attributed to Hanshow's continuous refinement of industrial design and technological research and development capabilities. Hanshow consistently places the customer at the center of its innovation, consistently releasing digitally-driven solutions and technologically advanced products that meet market demands.

Throughout the development of this product, Hanshow thoroughly considered the specific scenario needs of certain retail formats. Emphasis was placed on the user-friendliness, stability, and compatibility of the electronic shelf label product, ensuring its suitability for shelves of varying sizes and configurations.



Although the appearance is extremely slim, the Hanshow Nebular 130 product still boasts powerful performance. As a member of the Hanshow Nebular series product family, the Hanshow Nebular 130 product continues to utilize a highly integrated electronic price tag specialized chip design. While inheriting its strong performance, it also possesses lower power consumption. Simultaneously, this product also supports 8-page custom templates, rapid price changes, LED flashing lights, and other functions. It can swiftly switch pages based on store requirements, displaying various information including product prices, promotional activities, and inventory. This facilitates effortless viewing of product information for store personnel and customers.

The successful development of the Hanshow Nebular 130 product not only meets the demands of digital upgrades in retail scenarios such as household goods, providing a more fitting electronic price tag solution, but also brings forth greater possibilities and remarkable achievements for digital retail innovation. It is understood that the Hanshow Nebular 130 product has already gained favor from renowned domestic clothing brands.