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  • The 6 ways I use my reMarkable Paper Pro
    That focus gives you unique features you won't find in a tablet or laptop trying to be a jack-of-all-trades. Things like an E Ink display that causes less eye-strain and looks more like paper. Or a textured glass screen that feels rough like a printed page. Or extra-long battery life because of the different performance demands.
  • New Consumer-Grade PineNote E Ink Tablet to Launch Soon
    New Consumer-Grade PineNote E Ink Tablet to Launch Soon The company had introduced the device as a Developer Edition, something that was meant to be used by advanced users who already possess some amount of hardware and software knowledge
  • Color ePaper eNote (First Publish: 2020)
    Color ePaper eNote (First Publish: 2020)
  • Global ePaper Industry Weekly Bulletin #14|ePaper Exercise-book Sales Soared
    Ilkka Turunen has come up with a genius idea to turn daily schedules into art snapshots using Gen AI and ePaper displays. In this project, called Kuvastin by Turunen, GPT-4 is used to generate a text from a person’s schedule information, which is then used as a prompt for DALL-E 3 to generate an image. Midjourney is then used to generate a short image description, and the image and description are finally presented on an ePaper.